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Life Insurance
Although many agencies will throw out some life insurance quotes to you without much regard for what your needs might be, we will take the time to meet with you in order to determine what your needs actually are. Although life insurance can seem confusing, the different policies are simply tools designed to help you cover what you need to cover. Having the correct policy is every bit as important as getting a good rate.
Term Life - Usually level coverage where the rates are locked in for a set number of years. Usually the longest term period would be 30 years.

Mortgage Protection Life - Primarily designed to pay off the mortgage in the event of death. It is similar to term life, but is usually simplified underwriting which can sometimes make it easier to qualify

Term Life with Premium Refund - A type of term life insurance which will provide a full premium refund at the end of the term premium if the insured is still alive. This plan tends to work best for insured’s who are 50 years old or younger.

Permanent Life- Usually level coverage where the rates are locked in to age 100 or beyond. These policies usually build some cash savings values. You can get a little savings or a lot of savings depending on how much you put into the policy.

Survivorship Life - A type of permanent policy which is designed to cover two people and pays the benefit on the second death. Primarily used to pay estate taxes or for a couple to leave a legacy to their heirs.

If you’re a baby boomer or older it is important to review your old term life policy before it renews. Although the rates may be affordable now, they will explode when the policy renews. Most often these renewal rates are so expensive they become unaffordable. It is important to lock in new rates on a new term plan that will last for as long as you’re going to need it. A new term plan can lock the rates in for another twenty or thirty years with no rate increases. Even group insurance at work will often expire at retirement age. Because the rates on a new plan are sensitive to age and health it is important to lock something in now, not try to ride out the old plan.
Call today and we will not only provide you with quotes from the most competetive companies in the marketplace, but will also take the time to help you determine what your needs are for the long haul.